In order to capture the bleak reality of loneliness amongst older people at Christmas, DRUM, in partnership with production studio Independent, created a poignant film called ‘Just Another Day’. The film follows an older man’s unchanging daily routine without human contact across the four seasons, allowing the viewer to experience the monotony of loneliness in later life, for which Christmas is just another day.
DRUM wanted to create an ad that portrays a very different kind of Christmas for those who don’t have any family or friends to celebrate the festive season with. Currently in the UK, more than 1.2 million older people in England are chronically lonely, and 1.4 million admit that Christmas Day passes them by just like any other.

Age UK achieved the highest number of donations and volunteers ever recorded.
The campaign was overwhelmingly successful with results showing an even bigger and better impact than 2016. These included: 86% increase in call in time volunteers; the number of regular donations revenue increased by +131%. There was a 30.3% increase in one-off donations. Finally, our campaign transferred into popular culture with the likes of Russell Howard, Sky News, Good Morning Britain and Channel 4 covering it as part of their television editorial without being approached by Age UK.
Number of volunteers (compared to year before)
Regular donations